Saturday, Dec. 14, 2024
Boats Line Up 6:30 pm • Parade Begins 7:30 pm
(Line up at headpin to Dusenbury Ck. on Blackwater Sound)
Every Boat is a Winner! Prizes awarded for: Best in Parade, Most Colorful, Most Original, Best Business, Best Boat Under 25’, Best Boat Over 25’, Best Use of Theme, & More!
All participating boats must register with the parade committee to be eligible for prizes! A number will be assigned to each boat and it must be displayed in a conspicuous place on the starboard side of the vessel in order to be judged. The parade will start at Dusenbury Creek, green channel marker 41, on Blackwater Sound, and will continue north along the shoreline to Stillwright Point. In case of bad weather, the alternate date will typically be Sunday. The parade committee will make a determination by 5 PM and will announce the alternate date, if the parade is to be rescheduled.
For more information or to register, please call Lisa at 305-766-0643.
Online registration is closed! You can register in person Friday the 13th from 4-7 p.m. at Florida Bay Outfitters in Key Largo.